Please continue to view this page frequently for updated COVID-19 information.
Wise Carter is open for business to serve you. We are considered an essential professional service in Mississippi per City of Jackson Mayor Lumumba’s Stay-at-Home order and Governor Reeves’s Shelter-in-Place order.
Whether from our offices or our homes, our goal is to stay focused on delivering quality legal services. Our attorneys and staff working from home are closely monitoring emails and voicemails.
Within 24 hours after the FFCRA and the CARES Act were signed by the President, Wise Carter’s healthcare lawyers had read those laws and had outlined the provisions likely to have an impact on the Firm’s clients. On the Monday following passage of the Cares Act on Friday March 27, the firm had pushed out to client groups an outline of the provisions of the CARES Act that offered financial assistance for businesses in the current pandemic. This proactive approach allowed clients the opportunity to assemble and prepare the documentation for their Paycheck Protection Program loan applications 4 days before the Small Business Administration released the PPP application form and began accepting applications. Interested clients who availed themselves of this opportunity were able to get their PPP loans approved well before the initial congressional appropriation was depleted. Wise Carter lawyers continue to monitor developments under the CARES Act in light of expected additional funding for PPP loans and other stimulus relief, as well as regulatory guidance for handling PPP loan forgiveness structuring, Medicare Relief Payments, and emergency EIDL disaster grants and relief loans.
Federal and state agencies have waived or modified many regulatory requirements for hospitals and healthcare providers to facilitate testing and treatment for COVID-19 and reduce regulatory burdens. Our attorneys are continuously monitoring these regulatory changes to assist healthcare providers as they battle COVID-19 and continue to treat patients. Please contact our attorneys in the Healthcare practice group if you have a question about how these changes affect your practice.
Webinars Related to COVID-19:
Please click on the topic below and register to be able to view the webinar.
HR Issues Emerging During Hospital Response (Jennifer Scott)
Families First: What You Need to Know (Jennifer Scott)
Telehealth & COVID-19 Update (Matt Harrell)
EMTALA, HIPAA & COVID-19 (Elizabeth Hooper)
4/14/20 – Effectively Navigating Human Resources During COVID-19 (Jennifer Scott)
4/15/20 – Disaster & Emergency Medical Staff Privileges (George Ritter)
Other Links:
Stay at Home Order for City of Jackson – Extended Until May 25, 2020
Shelter-in-Place Order for State of Mississippi
Safer at Home Order for State of Mississippi – Issued April 27, 2020
Stay Safe Jackson Executive Order for City of Jackson – Effective May 16, 2020
Mississippi Telehealth Association
The CARES Act Works for All Americans
The Small Business Owner’s Guide to the CARES Act
National Workers’ Compensation Defense Network (NWCDN) Updates