Wise Carter Child & Caraway 2013 Christmas Project

Wise Carter Child & Caraway is committed to serving the needs of the community. Each year, attorneys and employees participate in the Firm’s annual Christmas project, which assists individuals and families throughout Mississippi.
This year, Wise Carter Child & Caraway was excited to lend its support to the Teen Study Center at the Charles Tisdale branch of the Jackson-Hinds Library System. Through voluntary contributions from the Firm’s attorneys and employees, we collected cash and check donations, as well as several new books for the youth who participate in the program. A large portion of the funds were utilized to purchase new books, snacks, and gift bags for distribution to the teens and the remaining funds were donated to the Teen Study Center for use throughout the year.
The Tisdale Teen Study Center provides teens with access to computers, study materials, and books aimed to promote academic growth and enrichment. Through access to a structured, wholesome environment, the Center strives to encourage teen’s reading habits and visits to the library, as well as deter juvenile crime and delinquency.
Wise Carter Child & Caraway is pleased to contribute to the Tisdale Teen Study Center and we look forward to being of service to the program during the upcoming year.